Über die vielen Jahren, in denen wir durch die Geschäftswelt navigierten, haben wir einiges gelernt. Wir sahen Trends kommen und gehen. Wir haben aus erster Hand gesehen, was passieren kann, wenn zerstörerische Kräfte ausgelöst oder systemische Risiken ignoriert werden. Wir haben sowohl Erfolg als auch Niederlage erlebt und wissen, dass beides vorüberzieht. Die fundamentalste Lektion hat uns gelernt, dass es für jeden grösseren zu gelingenden Aufwand, eine klar formulierte Strategie braucht. Eine Strategie, welche mit einem Sinn für Zweck und Werte ausgestattet ist. Deshalb haben wir uns entschieden eine neue Art von Consulting Group ins Leben zu rufen, zusammen mit einer einzigartigen Methodologie und zugehörigem Toolset, die uns auszeichnet: "Consulting Done Right."
• Verliere nie den Fokus warum du das machst, was du gerade tust.
• Sei absolut sicher, dass du das Problem verstanden hast, bevor du mit der Lösung beginnst.
• Treffe keine Entscheidungen aufgrund von Vermutungen. Stütze Entscheidungen mit solider Logik und Daten.
• Respektiere die Sichtweise aller Stakeholder, welche von einer Entscheidung betroffen sein werden.
• Messe die Auswirkung deiner Bemühungen - egal wie klein sie ist - im Kontext der Gesamtstrategie, nicht in Isolation.
As a company and as individuals, we have solved many challenging business problems throughout our careers. Please click or tap on the thumbnails to view summaries of a few representative cases.
Naturally, discretion is a linchpin of the consultant-client relationship, so companies are only referred to in generic terms.
For more information about these success stories, such as the scope of the project, the personnel involved, and the tools and techniques used, feel free to contact us, and we would be happy to provide more details.
Naturally, discretion is a linchpin of the consultant-client relationship, so companies are only referred to in generic terms.
For more information about these success stories, such as the scope of the project, the personnel involved, and the tools and techniques used, feel free to contact us, and we would be happy to provide more details.
Television Network (US)
Problem: Company faces new competitive threats, needs to modernize in order to remain an industry leader.
Solution: Use sophisticated mathematical approach to optimize inventory as part of new sales and planning system.
Client Quote: "clear, focused analysis… exceptional blend of business savvy and technical know-how… solid, dependable."
Solution: Use sophisticated mathematical approach to optimize inventory as part of new sales and planning system.
Client Quote: "clear, focused analysis… exceptional blend of business savvy and technical know-how… solid, dependable."
The Bottom Line: Data analysis and automation not only drive costs down, but improve the customer experience and make people's jobs more meaningful.
Industrial Supplier (DE)
Problem: After acquisition of a smaller firm, business processes and systems need to be standardized and streamlined.
Solution: Planning and implementation of strategic IT roadmap.
Client Quote: "brought a unique perspective and innovative ideas to the table… can be trusted to provide the most professional, imaginative, and forward-thinking solution."
Solution: Planning and implementation of strategic IT roadmap.
Client Quote: "brought a unique perspective and innovative ideas to the table… can be trusted to provide the most professional, imaginative, and forward-thinking solution."
The Bottom Line: M&A is never easy, and expert guidance can help to align the new organization in ways that realize previously untapped potential.
Fashion Startup (FR / CH)
Problem: Entrepreneur has gotten firm off the ground and wants to expand internationally, but is not sure of the best path forward.
Solution: Strategic advice, goal setting, facilitation.
Client Quote: "unbiased, outside perspective is of great value… out-of-the-box thinking, can-do spirit and dynamic approach."
Solution: Strategic advice, goal setting, facilitation.
Client Quote: "unbiased, outside perspective is of great value… out-of-the-box thinking, can-do spirit and dynamic approach."
The Bottom Line: When you are busy running a startup, you sometimes see only trees and not the forest – a trusted advisor can give you the perspective you need to make the right strategic decisions.
Mobile App Developer (CH)
Problem: A unique application company must reevaluate their business model in an effort to generate a return on invested capital.
Solution: Evaluate and adjust the business model to ensure a consistent revenue stream. This means pivoting towards new partnerships, monetized operations, and an expanded target market.
Solution: Evaluate and adjust the business model to ensure a consistent revenue stream. This means pivoting towards new partnerships, monetized operations, and an expanded target market.
The Bottom Line: The client needs to pivot in order to profit; by providing them with various business models we guided this team to improving their earnings, while also refreshing their direction.
Studio Space Entrepreneur (CH)
Problem: Artistic entrepreneur on a passionate mission, lacking business strategy background, starts a company that needs a complete go-to-market strategy in order to form and survive.
Solution: Evaluate the client’s idea feasibility, adjust accordingly, and develop a sustainable business model that preserves the creative vision.
Solution: Evaluate the client’s idea feasibility, adjust accordingly, and develop a sustainable business model that preserves the creative vision.
The Bottom Line: This visionary transformed their dream into a structured company as we provided extensive business model development and financial planning.
Fintech Startup (CH)
Problem: New crowdfunding, lending, and factoring online platform needs to build their user base, online visibility, and credibility.
Solution: Strategically target a diverse group of individuals interested in using all segments of the platform; while also driving online exposure by developing various areas of communications.
Solution: Strategically target a diverse group of individuals interested in using all segments of the platform; while also driving online exposure by developing various areas of communications.
The Bottom Line: By executing a business development strategy aimed to increase users and online legitimacy, we sent this client to market on a solid, expandable foundation.